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Kevin Wolf

My local market has these fresh mini kaiser rolls that do the trick for me.

And, please explain: Shag buns? Is this a type of bun or is shag a word meaning, in this case, crappy? I've never heard the phrase "shag buns."

blue girl

Yes. *Shag* means crappy. At least in the heartland -- you East Coast Elitist!

Or maybe we just made it up.

I don't even know!


Michael Bains

Not made up, as I've known other folks to use it too. Shag = Crap

I tried those "Wheat Buns" before and it just tasted wrong for some reason. So I do the Kaisers like Kevin for Burgers and just get the cheapest white Dog buns available. Those don't usually stick around long enough to become any more Shag.

(I love these conversation pieces 'tween you an' "the skimmer"!)


The bun probably didn't have the right condiments. Talk to Pinko.

Shag doesn't mean crappy in this part of the midwest. It's a carpet from the 70's.


i'm with TC

when i read shag bun, i imagine a fuzzy bun that's on it's way to becoming its own ecosystem

blue girl

i imagine a fuzzy bun

Of course you do aif, cuz you think in fuzzy words all the time!

Ms Cornelius

Keep it up, and you may get out of shopping altogether?"

I admire that. You sound just like a husband!

Michael Bains

Kinda surprised no one has mentioned what Shag means to the Brits...

'Specially in regards to buns...



i thought thiswas a family blog, MB!


'Specially in regards to buns...

Bloody well what I was thinking when I saw the title. . .And I thought it was a family blog too.

I ten to say shwag instead of shag when using it the same way. Geuss that comes from being a "reformed" doper.


I'm with Michael on this one, being a Brit. I thought I was in for a session about the old man's predilections and how he'd do anything -- even shopping -- to put a hot dog ... er? where did he put that hot dog?

blue girl

Oh my God!

Get your minds out the gutter, people!


It's funny, but just a tad embarrassing!



Sure, Blue Girl -- we believe you. . . really (cough cough).

Pinko Punko

I think I'd use the term "trashy" to describe those buns. Those buns do not get my condiments, which BG unwisely put on notice.

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