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Michael Bains

Hey! I'd nevah over-punctuate!! Nevah!!!


But I do love that Tbogg is a Domer-Hatah! So am I, but it isn't stoppin' me from being glad we got this kid. You take a peek come fall, BG. There's a band-wagon with all kinds of seats being built and I'll make sure to save you one in the front row!


Res Publica

Blah blah sports blah blah trade blah win blah blah.

It's all clicks and whistles to me.


Watching the coverage of Brady Quinn's rather embarrassing fall in the draft was, quite possibly, some of the worst media "metooisms" in history. Never in my life have I heard such praises of his exceptional talents followed so closely by harsh criticisms that made him look as though he'd be lucky to make any roster.

Good luck Browns fans -- from what I can tell you got a kid with solid fundamentals and a good attitude. Jaws liked him and I tend to take what he says pretty seriously.


When Bossy first read this she thought it said, "Must have been him being the 22nd prick."

anyway - Bossy can't discuss football because her team - the Eagles - drafted a Quarterback. A Quarterback! Which they need about as much as they need a Quarterback!

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