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When I was at an age, older than yours, we had a woman, also at an age older than yours, at a negotiation. She was a peer, at least of some of us, and the old guy in the room asked her to fetch some coffee.

This was at my office so I went with her to show her the kitchen. On the way, I teased her about it. In fact, for the weeks between this and the closing, all of us who were her peers teased her about it. "Say, I'm feeling peckish," we'd say. "Could you get me a sandwich?"

She'd laugh and flip us off. I'm not sure the old guy ever got it, but by teasing her we made her part of us against him instead of us against her.

billy pilgrim

I once threw (or should I say through?) a drink on my boss at one of his parties for being a bigoted jerk.

Anyways, thanks, no. We'll either be going to see an Irish punk band tonight or sitting on the deck drinking and playing with my iPhone.


"playing with my iPhone."

You'll go BLIND! And grow i-hair on your palms! Don't you know that BP!?!?




That coffee story is great and everything about it, including the college photo, epitomizes the Blue Girl everyone knows and loves. No nonsense if you're out of line, followed by friendly teasing that becomes a in-joke forevah. The jokes remains fun, though, because of bg's nice, light touch. Touche! (Imagine an accent mark over the "e". Someday I'll learn at a little HTML: promise.)

Dan Leo

Blue, belatedly just dropped in to your joint today, and I goddam love your coffee story.

It's nice that you seemed to be able to smack some sense into Kevin's head after all.

Fred Wickham

I began as a copywriter at Campbell-Ewald in Detroit. That was 1970 -- not much later than the Mad Men show depicts. I don't remember any copywriter or art director wearing a suit. Maybe I missed the suit years by a smidge. Possibly N.Y. copywriters were more fastidious. But a lot of the show didn't ring true o me.

Loved your coffee story. That rings true.

Michael Bains

I grew up 'round the same time as you, BG. In my early experiences, women mostly did the support work, but, except for a few who seemed to actually "like" getting literally pushed around, it always seemed to me that it was they who truly ran the show. The men may surely bluster and call out the shots, but when the women called 'em out, they almost always listened up. Presumably there was some payoff, invisible to us kids, beyond "mere" respect. Whatever the reason, I feel it's scarred me for life.


I hope your friend Kevin stumbles 'cross this post. 'Twas truly a fun read!

Kevin Wolf

Let me clarify that I am not the Kevin mentioned in BG's excellent story.

I may have to get my cable TV reinstalled so I can join in the live blogging.

Neddie Jingo

I, too, am not the Kevin mentioned in BG's excellent story.


I watched the first couple of episodes of 'Mad Men' but I grew up in that era and I find the misogynistic aspect unpalatable, so, even though the series is very pretty to look at, I'm going to give it a pass.


I watched the first couple of episodes of 'Mad Men' but I grew up in that era and I find the misogynistic aspect unpalatable, so, even though the series is very pretty to look at, I'm going to give it a pass.

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