I was nominated for Fastest and Most Awesome Blog Awards Badge Putter-upper of the Universe!
And I lost.
I came in dead last.
I am so not The Fastest and Most Awesome Badge Putter-upper in the Universe.
See that awards badge over there to the left? I read Typepad's help page 42,000 times. And I put up the badge wrong 41,999 times.
Luckily, I've been nominated for something else that hopefully won't make me feel like such a loser.
I was nominated and am a finalist for a 2008 Weblog Award! In the Best Diarist category.
This must've been the post that got me the nomination!
Please vote for me so I don't come in dead last. Again.
I can vote for myself once every 24 hours.
You can vote for me (whether you're a blogger or not) once every 24 hours.
You can vote for me even if you're just a Googler and got here because you like to talk dirty.
You can copy and paste this link and email it to your friends and family so they can all vote for me once every 24 hours. (And you can do this, I do believe, once every 24 hours.)
You can write a post about me and encourage your readers to vote for me once every 24 hours. (I would encourage you to write a new post about me every 24 hours. You know, change it up a bit.)
You can do all kinds of stuff for me. And that was your New Year's resolution, right?
Don't be a loser and break your resolution so soon! Because if you don't, you'll always be a winner to me.
Here are other ways you can feel like a winner in 2009...
Vote for Jon Swift or I Am Bossy for Best Humor Blog.
Cast a vote for Shakesville for Best Liberal Blog.
Vote for Kathleen of Diary of a Heretic for Best Literature Blog.
Vote for Susie the Suburban Guerilla for Best Midsize Blog.
And as a reminder, vote for me for Best Diarist.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter....once every 24 hours.
Later losers! I mean winners!
You got it. (And thanks.)
Posted by: Kathleen Maher | January 05, 2009 at 05:49 PM
I JUST voted for you, of course, because you're the best of the lot, BG. Congrats and good luck! I hope you win!
Posted by: Wren | January 05, 2009 at 06:47 PM
This is quite refreshing, and not tacky at all, begging to have us stuff the virtual ballot box on your behalf. Of course I went right over and cast my vote (today's vote, I mean) for you, and I hope you win, because then you'll for sure be rolling in dough, and I don't mean holiday bake-off dough, heh, heh.
In the big presidential election, the candidates were all "Vote for ME, because it's best for America, it has nothing to do with my giant ego and my thirst for power." And now on the teevee I keep seeing commercials for movies and the implied message is "We are only pointing out that this movie is Great Art that really ought to be recognized. We don't care if it makes a bazillion point six dollars as a result of winning Best Picture."
But you just come right out and say "Vote for me a whole bunch of times and get all your friends on board, too, because I WANT TO WIN!" And this is why I love you, Blue Girl.
PS: I have to warn you -- the other sneaky, scumbag finalists are doing the SAME THING. Can you imagine? Copycats.
Posted by: Larry Jones | January 05, 2009 at 06:49 PM
Oooh very exciting!! You have my votes and will get you MORE...and MORE...bwa ha ha....
Posted by: Ruth | January 05, 2009 at 07:12 PM
Voted for ya, BG . Didn't find Brando, so went with Bossy . & driftglass
(In case you need to add blog #31,963 to your reading list, it's good.;)
Posted by: Mike13833 | January 05, 2009 at 07:37 PM
Several of my favorites are up for A MAJOR AWARD! I am so voting. YAY!!
Posted by: Claire | January 05, 2009 at 07:58 PM
I voted AND I pimped you on a newspaper blog that gets like 10K hits per day.
Posted by: Account Deleted | January 05, 2009 at 08:57 PM
I voted for you after Bob pimped you at Huckleberries Online.
Posted by: ThomG | January 05, 2009 at 11:46 PM
You really are the BEST Diarist of the bunch! The way you paraphrase.. errrr... faithfully reproduce conversations is not only believable as all get out, it makes me smile Smile SMILE.
I hope you get this one, BG. What a Happy way to start the New Year!
Posted by: MB | January 06, 2009 at 06:03 AM
Thank you, everyone! xoxo
Larry, it's totally tacky. Extremely-cringe-worthy. I could never be a PR guru! lol
Remember to vote every 24 hours! :)
Posted by: blue girl | January 06, 2009 at 06:58 AM
You work in advertising! You should be giving us 3-5 bullet points about how our lives will be better if we do vote for you. And an offer of a free two-bag vacuum cleaner if you win!
But it worked anyway, I cast my ballot and will return again like a CIA-funded voter in a banana republic.
Posted by: Brando | January 06, 2009 at 11:59 AM
I'm working on my Power Point presentation, Brando!
Posted by: blue girl | January 06, 2009 at 12:10 PM
You know, cuz Power Point *really* wins 'em over.
Posted by: blue girl | January 06, 2009 at 12:10 PM
just got 3 more votes for u blue......jeeze, I wonder who??
Posted by: yaya | January 06, 2009 at 09:16 PM
Thanks for your votes, everyone!
I am only light years behind at this point -- so keep voting! :)
Posted by: blue girl | January 06, 2009 at 10:06 PM
I signed in on like eight different computers so each of my personalities could vote for you.
Posted by: Snag | January 07, 2009 at 12:21 AM
At first glance, I thought you'd been sadly and embarrassingly nominated for "Best Diarrheaist" -- and that... well, I just couldn't vote for that even if you were the best.
Seemed like a great way to sabotage my already tenuous karma.
Upon SECOND GLACE, I see that it's BEST DIARIST...and in that case, I agree.
And will vote approximately every 24 hours for one day. *grin*
Posted by: Deeples | January 07, 2009 at 07:51 AM
It's been crazy, but I voted. I'm note sure for what...
Posted by: Jennifer | January 07, 2009 at 09:22 AM
That little "Raymi the Minx" is probably in the lead only because she posted this. You know what you have to do, Blue Girl.
Posted by: Larry Jones | January 07, 2009 at 01:50 PM
In your dreams, Larry Jones. In your dreams! lol
Posted by: blue girl | January 07, 2009 at 02:11 PM
LOL again. Oh geez.
Posted by: blue girl | January 07, 2009 at 02:12 PM
BG- just photoshop your head on that picture... job done!
Posted by: Jennifer | January 07, 2009 at 02:57 PM
Look who has graced your blog with his presence. If you sufficiently stroke my ego, I'll add you to my Googz Reader. And then, of course, you'll get another vote. That's how this works. ;)
Posted by: Jonathan Waller | January 07, 2009 at 04:18 PM
Jonathan, I have a weird way of stroking people's egos. Ask Will! And Pinko Punko!
And I don't know you well enough yet to knock you around.
You need to give me some ammunition. I know you work in advertising -- and there's a whole wealth of ammunition there -- but I'm also in advertising, so I have to act like that's cool.
C'mon. Give me something -- and then watch yourself get throne!
Posted by: blue girl | January 07, 2009 at 04:40 PM
Very nice
Posted by: หาเพื่อน | January 16, 2009 at 09:01 AM