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Very nice job, by everyone!!!

Merry Christmas, BG!!

blue girl

Thanks, Jennifer! Neddie can't post his till after 7 -- please drop by his place later and give him some love.

Merry Christmas to the whole Saying Yes Family!

zombie rotten mcdonald


I am so, so, impressed.

Now you guys oughta do a Mekons cover!!!

zombie rotten  mcdonald


I dropped by his place and dropped some luv already.

I got a little excited.


Awesome. Reminded me of this (not Xmas but cool) virtual collaboration.


Also, Whiskeyfire just posted your video.


That Stand By Me collaboration was awesome as well.

blue girl

Thanks, guys!

ZRM, what's a Mekon's Christmas song?

fish, you got me all excited about Whiskeyfire! lol Great video, just the same.

And yes, that Stand By Me worldwide collaboration is just great!

zombie rotten  mcdonald

ZRM, what's a Mekon's Christmas song?

OK, Imma gonna give you a pass on teh goofy apostrophe.

The Mekes haven't DONE a Christmas song. Thassa wat Imma sayin; you guys could branch out!!!

Although, if you want to keep in the genre, they did a song called Winter; but given your pipes, I would recommend the Sally Timms vocalized songs like Club Mekon or maybe Millionaire....


What can I say. Really nice. Great music. Great vocals. Happy Holidays everyone.


AHHH!! SO FABULOUS. This song is PERFECT for your vocals and I love the ukulele more than I can explain. Well done BG and Neddie!

The Viscount

Great vocals Blue. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

blue girl

Thanks, Claire. And thank, Al! (Good to see you!)

Larry Jones

Great job! You sound like a million bucks (not a measly 7,000). And Merry Christmas!


I am totally in awe of the talent assembled here.



Wonderful!!!! Wooohooo!! Awesome!!


You rock, BG. Wow! Talk about hidden talents. Merry Christmas to you and yours, including Lego.


hooray! was just wondering about whether it would happen this year too - Merry X-Mas, BG, the Blue Family and the Neddie Jingo family as well :):)

Pinko Punko

Goobie just gave one of her involuntary smiles to your song, BG!

blue girl

Hey everyone! Sorry for not responding sooner. I'm losing my mind over here. Possibly Santa might get me a new one.

Thanks for listening to our song and for leaving all your great comments! Smooches to all of you!

PP, give Goobie an extra big smooch from her Aunt Beege.


Fabulous. Love the uke. And your voice -- Wow, BG! You and Jeddie have given us another great Christmas gift!


Wishing you a very very Merry Christmas!!!


*Standing O!*

Merry Christmas BG,BK, Skimmer &
y'all^ in the BG-o-sphere.:)

Larry Jones

After the holiday, how about "Neddie and BG: Behind the Music"? What was the session like? Did you sing to a finished track, or just the uke? Did you have a producer in the control room? How many takes did you do? Did you damage the microphone? How will you ever pay for it?

Dan Leo

Got to it late because I was at my mom's with only intermittent (stolen from a neighbor's signal) internet access, but -- super job!

Standing ovation for you and Neddie!

blue girl

Thanks, guys! Merry, merry to all of you.

Kathleen Maher

What a treat! I was away for almost two weeks and have looked forward to this through the whole vacation.
My son's here to help me finally put your songs on our server. Christmas now and forever, bg.


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Another Kiwi

It's soooo good, bravo. More !!

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