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:) I agree.


One of my captcha words was icupid

blue girl

It was meant to be! *swoon*

zombie rotten mcdonald

did you see him on Colbert? that movie looks pretty good.

blue girl

Just watched the clip. :)

I watched Sound City last weekend. You'd like it ZRM.


Mmmm Hmmm.
Laura LOVES him!



I love them all playing together and that McCartney can still bring some Helter Skelter with his voice.

blue girl

Brando, if you like Nirvana you'll like Sound City. Great jam session in it, doing this song -- along with commentary. Goose bumps. 11-worthy!

blue girl

Hi Laura! Great minds...

Larry Jones

Wiggly girly vibe in this thread. I thought Grohl was pretty cute, and now Jennifer and BG and Laura have confirmed that for me. I saw him a couple of times last week filling in for Chelsea Handler on her show, and he's smart and funny, too. What I heard about the film is that it would have been better had it been made " an actual movie director." But I was a competing studio owner during Sound City's heyday, so I'll have to see the movie. Maybe I can find out what I was doing wrong.

blue girl

Hi Larry,

Yes, this thread is very wiggly! :)

I was working on a project when I was watching Sound City, so I was a little distracted. Plus, I had watched A Late Quartet before turning it on and that was a little jolting in itself. So I'm going to have to watch it again with that criticism in mind, altho I think I know what that meant. It might be a little flat in its own way, but overall, I enjoyed it.

After you see it, let me know what you think. I'd be interested in reading about your experiences at your studio.

I love studios. *Sigh* Microphones, earphones, sound boards...



blue girl

Don't be mean to Dave Grohl. Or Jennifer, Laura and I will have to beat you up. Maybe Larry, too.


Larry Jones

Here's the Davester warming up
for Chelsea Lately.
The comment section there is also quite wiggly.


Ahem.... it appears someone is stepping on your turf.


Or... sitting on your turf...

blue girl

This will not stand!

blue girl

Or... sit. :)

zombie rotten mcdonald

His hair always looks like he needs to wash it more often.

toko baju muslim murah

i love your blog, to express your views, this is the correct way

Larry Jones

You are the correct Girl, blue, in a state.

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